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  Minutes of meeting
Jan. 10, 2007
2:00 PM

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, January 10, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room.  Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting.  The attendance sheet is enclosed.

I. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail & Metro-Mover – Dr. Martin stated if a funding source is identified, the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department agreed to manage the construction of Miami River Greenway connector sections on County owned public rights of way.  Dr. Martin noted he is hopeful the County will make new appropriations for the aforementioned small greenway sections.  Lavinia Freeman, Trust for Public Land , stated she is expecting to receive a draft contract with the City in January.  The concept is for the County’s $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item in their bond issue to be transferred to the City of Miami , which would contract TPL to oversee the creation of engineering documents, which would then be provided to the City of Miami which would oversee their construction using the remaining County bond funding.  Ms. Freeman noted the draft contract will not be for a specific section of the Miami River Greenway, which will be selected at a later date.  Ms. Freeman estimated it will take 1.5-2 years to create engineering documents, and the remaining portion of the County’s $7.5 million bond issue would fund the construction.  Dr. Martin stated prior to Merrill-Stevens proposal to fund and construct a publicly accessible riverwalk and on-road Greenway on both shores from the 12 Ave Bridge to the west side of I-836, the subcommittee was recommending the County bond funding in that County owned area.  Mr. Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens, stated Merrill-Stevens remains willing to fund and construct the aforementioned publicly accessible riverwalk, and continues negotiations with Miami-Dade County on the planned expansion.  The Greenways subcommittee therefore concurred to recommend the County Bond funding be utilized for a different section of the Miami River Greenway, which doesn’t currently have any funding potentials.    

II. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, distributed copies of the City of Miami Commission ’s recently approved extension of the Bay Heights Special Taxing District, which funds a City of Miami Police Department patrol of the Bay Heights area 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.  Mr. Bibeau noted the special taxing district was approved by residents of the area at referendum, and is a precedent of a Special Taxing District providing funding for security in a specific area.  Dr. Martin stated creating of a Special Taxing District is an option to generate re-occurring revenue to fund sufficient security along the Miami River Greenway, yet may not be a likely solution.  Dr. Martin added regarding maintenance, the existing City Code discussed during the GSC’s December 2006 meeting, where property owners adjacent to the Greenway (located in public right of way) assist with maintenance, yet the option is not his favorite, partially because the code is difficult to enforce.  

III. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Mr. Bibeau reported the 6 historic markers, funded by the Villagers Inc grant, have been installed.  Mr. Bibeau noted the panel materials are currently draft graphic prints, which will soon be replaced with the final porcelain enamel panels.  Mr. Bibeau stated he has received additional input on the draft historic marker text, which will be revised in the final porcelain panels.  The Greenway’s subcommittee authorized the payment of the MRC’s $596 cost share of the contract with Baron Sign Manufacturing.

Mr. Bibeau reported the frame of the City of Miami ’s previously installed historic marker post at the Miami River Inn was missing, and asked when the porcelain enamel panels with the text and images would be installed. Mr. Brown suggested contacting Mr. Lionel Zapata , City of Miami , whom is the project manager.

IV. Discuss Status of Draft Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards – Dr. Martin stated he e-mailed Danette Perez, City of Miami , whom administers the Bond Oversight Board.  Ms. Perez informed Dr. Martin that $75,000 from the City’s Bond issue was spent in September 2005 for the creation of the Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards, which remain a draft.  Dr. Martin directed MRC staff to invite Enrique Nunez, City of Miami Planning Department, to the next GSC meeting, because he is the project manager for the Design Standards.  

V. Update on Miami River Greenway Development – Ms. Freeman stated Greenway sections B, C & E require the City of Miami and FDOT to execute a Lap Agreement.  Mr. Bibeau stated the owners of Garcia’s Seafood Restaurant, located adjacent to a recently constructed section of “on-road” Greenway, complained that the street lights were removed during construction, and FPL is yet to install the Greenway’s new decorative street lights.  Therefore the area is dark at night when customers walk between their parked cars and the area’s restaurants. 

VI.  Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – Mr. Bibeau reported MRC staff is yet to receive any additional development’s approved riverwalk cross sections from the City of Miami , as requested by MRC Chair Irela Bagué.

VII.  Discussion of FDEP RTP Grant Opportunity Mr. Bibeau provided a copy of the Florida Department of Environmental Protections (FDEP) Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant opportunity.  Mr. Bibeau stated his previous grant application to the FDEP RTP was awarded $100,000, and he recommended the new application be for the maximum $200,000 award to create a riverwalk section in Lummus Park .  Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami and MRC are eligible applicants, and recommended wither the City of Miami apply or MRC apply.  The GSC noted since the City of Miami owns Lummus Park, it would be easier through the grant, permitting, and riverwalk development process if the grant was awarded directly to the City of Miami, with assistance from the MRC and TPL.  The GSC added as a second choice to take advantage of this significant ST funding opportunity, the City may choose to partner with the MRC or TPL as the applicant, and provide the required cost share and allow the future construction of a riverwalk in Lummus Park .

VIII.  New Business – The GSC discussed the following potential upcoming special
events along the Miami River Greenway:

  • Miami River Art Show:  February 23-24, Fort Dallas in Lummus Park or the Miami River Inn

  • Miami Riverday: March 24, 2007 , Jose Marti Park , 11-5

  • Caribbean June Fest: June 2007, Lummus Park , if the riverfront portion of the park is cleared and replaced with grass prior to June, yet if Lummus Park remains in its current unacceptable condition for the event, the organizers are considering moving it to Jose Marti Park .

The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Tuesday of the month meeting on February 14, 2007 , 2 PM , 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room. 

The meeting adjourned.