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  Minutes of meeting
Nov. 14, 2006
12:00 NOON

The Miami River Commission’s Executive Committee was called to order by Chairperson Irela Bagué, Tuesday, November 14, 2006 , noon at the Robert King High New Board Room.

Members attending were:
CHAIR: Irela Bague
Members Phil Everingham , Vice-Chairman Captain Beau Payne, Robert Ruano, Amy Gonzalez-Hernandez
MRC Staff: Brett Bibeau, Managing Director, Ashley Chase, Asst. Managing Director
Others in Attendance: Evan Skornick , South Florida Water Management District , Jeffrey Hooper

I) Set Agenda for MRC’s December 4, 2006 Meeting- Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Managing Director, noted the Miami 21 planning schedule has been extended. Ms. Chase noted she had touched base with Ms. Luciana Gonzalez, City of Miami Planning Department, whom had informed her that the City has yet to schedule a workshop regarding the draft Eastern Quadrant of Miami 21. Ms. Chase noted the Executive Board had previously recommended MRC staff to place the draft Eastern Quadrant Miami 21 on the MRC December agenda prior to the upcoming City hearings. Ms. Chase added that no further updates of Miami 21 have been posted, and asked if the Executive Board would like to render a new recommendation. Chair Irela Bagué noted she would prefer the MRC to draft its advisory recommendation once all material/data has been collected and discussed. The Executive Board unanimously agreed to defer the presentation of the draft Eastern Quadrant of Miami 21 until the City workshop has been conducted, and encouraged MRC staff to continue monitoring the public process. MRC staff agreed to keep Captain Beau Payne informed of any future meetings/workshops.

II) Review and Discuss Draft Miami River Economic Analysis Scope of Services- Mr. Brett Bibeau distributed a letter from the MRC’s Economic Development & Commerce co-chair Megan Kelly , as well as a letter from EDC co-chair Miami-Dade County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro in support of retaining Florida Atlantic University to prepare a detailed, current analysis of the economic outputs and potential of the marine industries on the Miami River, on behalf of the Miami River Commission. Mr. Bibeau noted it is the belief of the EDC that this analysis will create a more focused economic development strategy for the Miami River corridor, as well as provide analytic support for dredging funding and a Port of Miami River handling project in the upper river. Mr. Bibeau noted the anticipated budget of the analysis is $25,000, which includes an initial analysis/research performed by FAU Professors Dr. William Stronge and Dr. Lenore Alpert of nine previously created river studies, and a peer/economists review of their report findings.

The Executive Board reviewed and discussed the draft FAU Miami River Economic Analysis Scope of Services (Purpose, Background, Objectives and Studies/Reports). Mr. Bibeau noted the EDC planned to seek funding for the proposal from state and county sources, with help and guidance from MRC staff and board members.


  • Chair Bagué asked if the analysis would be used as leverage for Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) support of the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project, and Mr. Bibeau replied yes
  • Chair Bagué asked if the EDC had already approached the state and/or county for support, and Mr. Bibeau replied the EDC was awaiting approval from the Executive Board before engaging potential funding agencies
  • Vice-Chair Phil Everingham asked if the EDC planned to reach out to the private sector for donations, and Chair Bagué suggested that the EDC solely reach out to public entities
  • On the topic of creating a brand new analysis of the river’s industries, Mr. Jeffrey Hooper asked if the MRC remains committed to increasing awareness of the most recently conducted study regarding the river, “The Biscayne Bay Economic Study.” Chair Bagué noted the MRC continues to support the results of the study and has distributed the report to numerous agencies, non-profit and environmental groups and reporters; Mr. Hooper asked if the MRC had held any press conferences to promote the study, and Chair Bagué, from a PR standpoint, noted that it is very difficult to create such interest in the study with the MRC’s limited budget
  • Mr. Evan Skornick , SFWMD, noted the “The Biscayne Bay Economic Study” was created by Hazen & Sawyer to study recreational and marine uses along Biscayne Bay , including the Miami River
  • Mr. Robert Ruano suggested that the EDC endorse the creation of a study studying the impact of the marine industries along the entire Miami River and pinpointing all types of industry along the river; Mr. Ruano asked if the analysis could differentiate the river’s economic impact between the city and county; Mr. Skornick suggested that there be a differentiation between primary and ancillary uses
  • Captain Beau Payne noted he preferred to conduct a study solely focusing on the value of the river’s marine industries
  • Mr. Ruano noted the City has questioned the data collected regarding the number of jobs and revenue created by the river’s industries; Mr. Hooper noted that many studies have documented “peripheral” jobs along the river, noting the river is indeed a viable economic engine
  • Mr. Bibeau noted the analysis will authenticate the nine mentioned studies

 Vice-Chair Phil Everingham made a motion to approve the scope of services subject to the EDC agreeing to change the title to “ Miami River Marine Economic Analysis” The motion was seconded by Captain Beau Payne and unanimously passed. Vice-Chair Everingham made a second motion suggesting that the EDC conduct a more comprehensive study of the river’s economy in the future. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ruano and unanimously adopted. Mr. Ruano suggested that EDC review the draft analysis for potential omissions and mistakes.

IV. New Business The following items were discussed/addressed:

  • Mr. Skornick noted FIND had submitted its third and final $2 million grant for Dredging Acceptance Sections 12-15
  • Mr. Bibeau agreed to provide Mr. Ruano with examples of projects that have been reimbursed by the federal government

The meeting adjourned.