May 7, 2018 MRC Agenda & Materials

Notice of Public Meeting of Miami River Commission
Monday, May 7, 2018 at Noon
1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL

I. Chair Report Chairman Horacio Stuart Aguirre

  1. Approval of MRC’s March 5, 2018 Public Meeting Minutes

II. Consider Potential Redevelopment of City of Miami Owned 300-400 SE Second Ave, Hyatt Regency Hotel
and James L. Knight Center

  1. Hyatt backup
  2. Urban Infill & Greenway Subcommittee 04.16 18 Minutes

III. Consideration of City of Miami’s Plans to Sell Riverfront 444 SW 2 Ave (City Office Building) and Adjacent Riverfront 460 SW 2 Ave

  1. Backup found on pages 3-5 of MRC Meeting Minutes October 5, 2015

IV. Committee Reports / Chairperson

  1. Greenways Subcommittee • Dr. Ernie Martin
  2. Stormwater Subcommittee •  Ms. Sallye Jude ---Stormwater Subcommittee 03.12.19 Public Meeting Minutes
    (i) Miami River Tributary and Canal Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Clean-Up Task Force
    Mr. Horacio Aguirre
  3. Urban Infill Subcommittee • Mr. Jim Murley ---Urban Infill & Greenway Subcommittee 04.16 18 Minutes
  4. Economic Development and Commerce •  Mr. Philip Everingham-

IV. New Business

cc: Todd Hannon, City of Miami (for public notice per the law)
Harvey Ruvin, Miami-Dade County (for public notice per the law)

c/o Robert King High1407 NW 7 Street, Suite D, Miami, FL 33125 305-644-0544Fax: 305-642-1136Contact us email